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Tag Archives: NSF

Shuai Li was part of a research team that developed a faster and more precise way of assessing the damage caused by natural disasters like tornadoes.

Dayakar Penumadu and Timothy Truster’s teams are lending their expertise to the search for compositionally complex alloys—materials key to many next-generation technologies.

Professor Qiang He and Assistant Professor Shuai Li have had a string of research collaborations that could greatly reduce the […]

Professor Qiang He and Assistant Professor Shuai Li received a RAPID Award to research disease-resistant infrastructure to mitigate the spread of infectious pathogens.

CEE Professor Chris Cherry and Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood received an NSF RAPID Award to research transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Four seniors from the Tickle College of Engineering, including CEE’s Zachary Jerome, have been selected for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program awards.

Associate Professor Jon Hathaway envisions that smart technologies will help city managers and environmental nonprofits sense changes in weather, flows, […]

UT-ORNL’s Governor’s Chair for Environmental Biotechnology Terry Hazen is in the planning stages for what he hopes will become UT’s […]

CEE professor Khalid Alshibli and his team aims to establish a model of the behavior of sand at the macro scale for use across industries.

A new three-year study involving University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair for Environmental Biotechnology Terry Hazen will look at how […]