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Seven civil engineering students traveled to Panama over winter break to study a water intake system that provides water to an indigenous tribe on an island.

After 15 years, Qiang He’s group is perfecting a novel method of creating methanogenic microbial communities, which make renewable methane from organic waste.

A donation by Moldex3D, an industry-leading plastics flow simulation program, has benefited TCE faculty and students in their research over the last year. The tool has helped students become more marketable to future employers.

Joshua Fu was invited by the World Meteorological Organization to join the Research Board Task Team on Artificial Intelligence for Weather Forecast.

Three female engineering students recently took part in the Student Outdoor Leadership Experience, where they gained technical skills for outdoor adventures while also becoming better leaders and communicators.

Alumna Lauren Meffe shares her internship experience with Eastman while she was a student at UT, which eventually lead to a full-time career after graduation.

Zach Arwood had to put college on hold for more than a decade. Now he’s gone beyond the bachelor’s, using his PhD research to make wind energy more sustainable.

The University of Tennessee and the UT Institute of Agriculture have received a grant from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) to develop and test a weather-based tool for extreme conditions.

UT is the lead organization on a DOE-funded project reusing waste plastic as a high-quality asphalt modifier, helping the environment & creating durable roadways.

Shuai Li was part of a research team that developed a faster and more precise way of assessing the damage caused by natural disasters like tornadoes.