Tag Archives: Khalid Alshibli

Fly-by Inspections
Khalid Alshibli led graduate students on how to use remote controlled drones to capture thermal images of steam pipes that help power UT’s infrastructure.
Understanding the Geo-Chemistry of Carbon Sequestration
Professor Khalid Alshibli is co-leading a team that will study the chemical reaction between rocks and carbon dioxide when it is sequestered deep underground.
Safeguarding the Future
Professor Khalid Alshibli is joining 15 other researchers from an alliance of universities to establish a $16.5 million research center […]
Research Worth Its Salt
Rock salt is probably best known for its use in thawing icy roads or in making homemade ice cream, but […]
A World in a Grain of Sand
CEE professor Khalid Alshibli and his team aims to establish a model of the behavior of sand at the macro scale for use across industries.
Professor Khalid Alshibli Delivers Keynote Address at International Geotechnical Conference
CEE Professor Khalid Alshibli gave a keynote lecture at the IS-Atlanta 2018, an international conference for geotechnical engineers. His lecture, […]
Professor Khalid Alshibli and Former Students Awarded ASCE’s J. James R. Croes Medal for Research Paper
Professor Khalid Alshibli, along with his former graduate students Maha Jarrar (MS, 2016) and Andrew Druckrey (PhD, 2016) and Collaborator […]