Category Archives: Awards
Sun Wins Third in Geosyntec Paper Competition
Gradate research assistant Yanchen Sun won third place in the 2022 Geosyntec Groundwater Student Paper Competition for his Bisphenol A research.
Zhang Picks Up First Place in Student Data Analysis Competition
Doctoral student Miaomiao Zhang won first place for the Long-Term Infrastructure Performance Student Data Analysis, a competition run by the Federal Highway Administration.
Darling and Collaborators Pick Up TRB’s Millar Award for Research Benefitting Low-Income Transit Riders
Research from recent graduates Wes Darling and Emily Carpenter and graduate student Tami Johnson-Praino won The William Millar Award from the Transportation Research Board.
UT Student ITE Chapter Wins Robert Stammer Outstanding Student Chapter Award
The UT Chapter of the Tennessee Section Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE) was recently presented with the Robert Stammer Student Chapter Award.
Denavit Among Top Professionals Honored by AISC
Assistant Professor Mark Denavit was among twelve professionals nationally honored by the American Institute of Steel Construction in 2021.
Smith Honored with Shirley Garside Award
Senior Sharon Smith was honored with the Shirley Garside Award, which recognizes unusual perseverance in pursuit of a civil and environmental engineering degree.
Fu Named Fellow by Air and Waste Management Association
John D. Tickle Professor Joshua Fu was recently honored with the 2021 Fellow Member Award from the A&WMA.
Kuo Recognized for Air Quality Research
Doctoral student Cheng-pin Kuo received the Environmental Management or Policy Research and Study Related to Air Quality scholarship from the Air & Waste Management Association.
Shah Earns Second Place from Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers
Doctoral student Nitesh Shah won the 2020 Outstanding Student Paper Award in the graduate student category from the Southern District Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Seniors Take on Crosswalk, Win Senior Design Project of the Year
UT civil engineering students take on crosswalk improvements in Oak Ridge to slow traffic and allow pedestrians a safe way to cross the intersection.