The 2021 UT ITE team
The UT chapter of the Tennessee Section Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE) was recently presented with the Robert Stammer Outstanding Student Chapter Award at the 2021 TSITE Awards Summer Meeting. Established in 2003, this award recognizes the ITE student chapter within Tennessee that has outstanding contributions to the advancement of the transportation profession. Since 2012, UT has won ten consecutive Outstanding Student Chapter Awards.
“Due to the pandemic, the last academic year was a very challenging year for all of us to hold activities since everything was online,” said Yi Wen, a graduate research assistant in CEE. “However, I am extremely proud of our members for their creative ideas and dedications. Together, we have overcome these difficulties and embraced a wonderful lineup of activities. This year, with things gradually going back to normal, we hope to bring in more activities that help us grow.”
The award was named for Vanderbilt University’s Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering Robert Stammer, a longtime fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the former president of the nine-state Southern District of Institute of Transportation Engineers (SDITE). Stammer served as the SDITE elected director on the ITE International Board of Direction for three years, and has received SDITE’s two highest awards for Outstanding Service and Excellence as an Educator.