Tag Archives: Transportation Research
CEE Students, Brakewood Earn William Millar Award for Paper
UT’s Candace Brakewood led a team that won the Transportation Research Board’s William Millar Award, the second year in a row a team from her group has done so.
Brakewood Part of Grant to Study Equity Issues in Cashless Fare Payments
UT Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood is one of five researchers across three universities who are collaborating on a new project […]
Walking Under the Influence
CEE Professor Chris Cherry and grad student Amin Mohamadi Hezaveh study how often pedestrians who are Walking Under the Influence (WUI) are the cause of car accidents that result in their injury or death.
CEE Asst. Prof. Candace Brakewood Interviewed by Sidewalk Labs
CEE Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood recently did a Q&A with Sidewalk Labs — an organization reimagining how cities can improve […]