Tag Archives: CEE

Smoke and Stroke: Investigating the Long-term Effects on Wildfires on Heart Health
Professor Joshua Fu is starting a $3.7M, five-year project with Emory University researching the long-term effects of wildfire smoke on cardiovascular health.
CEE Transportation Students Win National Awards
University of Tennessee Knoxville graduate students Alexandra “Ali” Boggs and Kwaku Boakye were named 2017 Traffic Safety Scholars (TSS) and received an award of a $1,000 scholarship at the 35th annual National Lifesavers Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, held in Charlotte, North Carolina, from March 25-28.

Report from the President of UT’s Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter
Within the past year, the ITE Student Chapter has provided varied opportunities to its members through professional, social, educational and community-service activities.

ASCE Student Conference Highlights
This year, the team at UT placed 4th overall in the ASCE Southeastern Student Conference.
ASCE Student Chapter Wins 4th Overall in SE Student Conference
On March 16-18, the UT ASCE Student Chapter traveled to Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton to compete in the […]
CEE Doctoral Student Bridges Space Exploration with Civil Engineering
CEE doctoral student Christian Mooneyham won the prestigious NASA Space Grant Institute scholarship to study crater formation on Mars. How […]
2017 3MT Semi-Final Competition Results
CEE graduate student Kristen Wyckoff is one of twelve other UT students to move to the final round of competition […]

ASCE VOLstarter
The American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter from the Tickle College of Engineering is launching a VOLstarter in March 2017 to help offset our annual conference cost.

ASCE Student Chapter
ASCE’s purpose and goal as a student chapter is to foster a sense of community and provide leadership opportunities for students in Civil engineering.
CEE Traffic Bowl Team Places First in TSITE
CEE’s Traffic Bowl Team took home first place in the Tennessee Section Institute of Transportation Engineers (TSITE) Traffic Bowl Competition. […]