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Tag Archives: Candace Brakewood

The UT student chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers won the Best Student Chapter Award at the Southern District of ITE Annual Meeting.

UT faculty and students attend the world’s largest transportation research conference to showcase leadership, improvements, and innovation in transportation.

UT graduate students Ashley Hightower and Grace Whitehouse both received prestigious Eisenhower fellowship grants to help fund their research in the transportation field. Hightower received the maximum amount awarded.

UT’s Candace Brakewood led a team that won the Transportation Research Board’s William Millar Award, the second year in a row a team from her group has done so.

UT’s Associate Professor Candace Brakewood and Professor Chris Cherry look for a way to increase public transportation usage in a post-pandemic world.

Associate Professor Candace Brakewood explores the future of public transportation use after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research published by Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood recently cited in the New York Times.

Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood published research that synthesizes the current state of reduced-fare programs for low-income transit riders.

Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood co-authored an article titled “Declines in Transit Ridership,” published in TR News.

Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood co-authored a chapter in the newly released book, The Handbook of Public Transport Research, by Edward Elgar Publishing.