John D. Tickle Professor and James Gibson Professor Joshua Fu is a co-lead author for a global atmospheric document published by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Fu is the vice-chair of the WMO’s Global Atmospheric Watch Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition Initiative.
The document, Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition Initiative, details an implementation plan for the next five years of atmospheric depositions that will impact the air quality, climate, ecosystem, food and agriculture, human health, and international trade.
“The implementation plan document will lead the directions to make the first map of the global total atmospheric depositions,” said Fu. “The new concept is to revision the WMO from science to transition to ‘Science-for-Services,’ which will help various communities further define impact assessments.”
The map includes very complex surface, aircraft and satellite measurements, modeling, and fusion results and will provide impact assessments to the World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization, World Trade Organization, countries, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and more.