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EPA-Funded Baker Creek Restoration Project Partners with Boys and Girls Clubs

CEE Assistant Professor Jon Hathaway is heading up an investigation of nutrient pollution in Baker Creek, which is currently listed on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list for impaired waters. The project, funded by EPA’s Urban Waters Small Grants Program, was recently featured as one of three impact stories on the EPA’s Urban Waters Learning Network, and includes faculty and students from the College of Social Work and the Department of Geography.

The team has partnered with Boys and Girls Clubs in the area to engage urban youth in disadvantaged neighborhoods to collect geo-located water quality data that can be incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS), which can be used by city planners. Students also get hands-on experience collecting samples and have a chance to work with mapping technology, experience augmented reality (AR) sandbox and other tools for water quality testing and mapping.

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