Four student members of the University of Tennessee Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Student Chapter were recognized at the Tennessee Section of ITE summer meeting in Gatlinburg, Tennessee in July. TSITE annually sponsors a student scholarship program for civil engineering students enrolled in a university in Tennessee who have proven a strong commitment in transportation engineering.
Two UTK ITE student members were among the scholarship winners:
Scholarship winners
John R. Harper $2,000 Memorial Scholarship: Zhihua Zhang
William (Bill) Moore, Jr. $1,200 Scholarship: Ali Marie Boggs
Two students, Xiaobing Li and Amin Mohamadi, were able to present their submitted papers in TSITE paper competition and were awarded second and third place, respectively. First place winner, Ali Marie Boggs, could not attend the meeting due to a summer internship at the National Transportation Safety Board.
Paper contest winners
1st Place $500 Award: Ali Marie Boggs, Explanatory Analysis of Automated Vehicles in California
2nd Place $250 Award: Xiaobing Li, Large-Scale Incident-Induced Congestion: En-route Diversions of Commercial Traffic Under Connected and Automated Vehicles
3rd Place $100 Award: Amin Mohamadi, Police Crash Reports as a Source to Examine Seat Belt Use Rate Distribution in Neighborhoods
Additionally, the UTK ITE Student Chapter was awarded the best student chapter for the 2017-2018 school year.
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