Goodrich Chair of Excellence in Civil Engineering
The Loeffler Lab studies relevant biogeochemical processes in soil, sediment, subsurface and water environments by combining cultivation-based techniques with genetic, biochemical, analytical, meta-omics, and computational methodologies. This integrated approach unifies research themes in the Loeffler Lab, and all projects address fundamental research questions, some have an applied component, and several are of considerable public interest.
BS, University of Hohenheim, Germany Biology, Agricultural Sciences, 1986
MS, University of Hohenheim, Germany Microbiology, Biochemistry, 1990, Technical
PhD, Univ. Harburg/Hohenheim, Technical Biochemistry/Microbiology, 1994
postdoc, Michigan State University, Microbial Ecology, 1994-1999
Awards and Recognitions
Select Awards
- 2016 Fellowship, American Academy of Microbiolog
- 2015 ESTCP, Project-of-the-Year Award for Environmental Restoration (as Co-PI)
- 2015 American Society for Microbiology Divisions N, Q, R Lecturer
- 2009 Shimizu Visiting Professorship, Environmental Science & Eng. Program, Stanford University
- 2008 ITRC Bioremediation of DNAPL Team of the Year Award
- 2004, 2006 SERDP, Cleanup Project of the Year Award
- 2001 National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- 1994 Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation