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Outstanding Alumni 2007

R. Marshall Elizer

R. Marshall Elizer

The 2007 Outstanding Civil Engineering Alumnus Award was presented at the annual awards banquet to R. Marshall Elizer. Mr. Elizer received received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1974, and his Master of Science in Transportation in 19989. He is a registered engineer in 13 states. He is a fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and was the International President in 1995. He is also a member of the American Public Works Association, and was on the Board of Directors from 1999-2005.


(1997-present) Executive Vice President for Infrastructure, Gresham, Smith and Partners

(1991 – 1997) Director of Public Works and Transportation, City of Modesto, California

(1985 – 1991) Director of Transportation, City of Arlington, Texas

(1986) Adjunct Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas

(1979 – 1985) Traffic Engineer and Transportation Planner, City of Lakewood, Colorado

(1978 – 1979) Traffic Engineer, East Tennessee Development District, Knoxville, Tennessee

(1975 – 1978) Traffic Engineer II, and I, Department of Traffic Engineering, City of Knoxville, Tennessee