Carlos Felipe Loureiro joined the MS program in Civil Engineering at the University of Tennessee majoring in Transportation Engineering in 1990 after graduating from the Federal University of Ceara located in Fortaleza, Brazil. He had received a scholarship from the Rotary International Foundation. After finishing his Master’s program he joined the Ph.D. program at Tenneessee with a Doctoral Fellowship awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. He received his Ph.D. in 1994.
In 1995 Dr. Loureiro was hired by the Federal University of Ceara in Fortaleza as an Associate Professor to establish a research program in Transportation and teach undergraduate courses in Transportation. His initiative and leadership led to the establishment of the first Graduate program in Transportation in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil in 1998, and he was appointed the Chairman of this Transportation program. Recently this program has been recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education as one of the best Master’s program in Transportation in the country and the Ministry approved the establishment of a Doctoral program in Transportation.
Dr. Loureiro has published nearly 100 articles in Brazilian journals and proceedings of conferences. He won 4 Annual Best Paper awards from Brazilian Transportation Research and Teaching Association. He has sent three of his students to the graduate program in Civil Engineering at the University of Tennessee. One of the students went back to Brazil after receiving his Master’s degrees and working for the Brazilian government. The other two students are in the Ph.D. program at this time.