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Fu Appointed to Scientific Leadership Team for WMO

Joshua Fu.

UT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Professor Joshua Fu, an internationally recognized expert in the area of atmospheric deposition modeling, participated as a leading expert in a meeting of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 2-3.

Fu, who also serves as the John D. Tickle Professor in CEE, was invited to be a member of the Scientific Leadership Team (SLT) of the Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF-GTAD) project.

This group focuses on the production of global maps of total atmospheric deposition to support international science and policy stakeholders in the areas of food production and agriculture, food security, climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem health, human health, atmospheric research, and materials research.

The Scientific Leadership Team of the WMO is an important voice in the scientific community and has an important role in engaging stakeholders. I’m honored to be among them in the quest for mitigating climate change.”

—Joshua Fu

The meeting had two principle goals: first, to establish near- and mid-term strategic plans for the MMF-GTAD Project; and second, to establish a specific path forward for the MMF-GTAD Project under the direction of the SLT. After the meeting, Fu was appointed to be the vice chair of the MMF-GTAD Leadership Team.

The WMO provides the framework for international cooperation of meteorology, climatology, and operational hydrology, and one program coordinates observations of atmospheric composition from global to local scales with the aim of driving high-quality and high-impact science and a new generation of products and services.