Projects Completed November 2020
These five projects have been completed by students who graduated November 2020.
Project Partners: City of Maryville, Gresham Smith
Team Members: Sharon Smith, John Stanford, Kortney Cardin, Isabella Alamilla, Omar Reyes, Brody Payne
Increased traffic volumes are being observed and future growth is being anticipated at the Carpenters Grade and Peterson Lane intersection in Maryville, Tennessee, warranting an evaluation of the capacity and safety of the roadway. The geometry of this intersection is challenging for drivers as the experience creates confusion with increased volume. Safety and capacity enhancing improvements to be made to this intersection will occur through the development and optimization of a roundabout design. A closed drainage system must be constructed underground for sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Utilities within the roundabout right of way must be relocated in addition to a residential driveway. The connection of Cochran Road to Raulston Road will be relocated east of the gas station, and entrances to the gas station will be relocated to fit the new geometry.
Project Partners: UT Research Park at Cherokee Farm, CEC Consultants, Inc.
Team Members: Karen Abercrombie, Daniel Bollmann, Isaac Eickmann, Lanier Garland, Kyle Huffstater, Trevor McDonald, Molly Muncy
The project goal is a sustainable site development plan that accommodates mixed-use spaces through transportation, geotechnical, water resources, environmental and construction engineering design supported by technical data and compliance with local regulations and code. Transportation services involve designing roadway connections to the new TDOT interchange, parking design, pedestrian crossings, and signage. Geotechnical services involve determining soil classification and designing soil compaction and the grading of overburdened slopes. Water resources and environmental services include designing stormwater management systems and water and sewer utilities extensions and connections. Construction services involve producing quantity take-off, cost estimation, and project scheduling.

Pictured left to right: (Back row) Lanier Garland, Trevor McDonald, Daniel Bollmann, and Kyle Huffstater. (Front row) Karen Abercrombie, Isaac Eickmann, and Molly Muncy.
Project Partners: CEC Consultants, Inc.
Team Members: Danielle Ursprung, Bruce Boles, Dakota Gentry, Robby Windham, Tayla Mullikin, Richard Guo
A site in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, proposed for a private development will require a level surface on which to build a hotel and the design will need to provide the hotel with the utilities necessary for proper function according to applicable engineering codes and standards of practice. The site requires grading in order to meet the size requirements of the hotel and its amenities. A site layout will be designed and construction planning for the earthwork is necessary. The hotel requires proper water utilities design for potable use and fire flow. Erosion and sediment control designs will ensure compliance with regulations for land disturbance activity in all phases of the site development. A design for the detention and mitigation of stormwater will be compared to pre-existing conditions to evaluate runoff and flows off the site. Parking and driveway design will be included for the volume of guests that will be visiting the hotel.

Pictured left to right: Dakota Gentry, Robby Windham, Tayla Mullikin, Richard Guo, Bruce Boles, and Danielle Ursprung.
Project Partners: Knox County, Cannon & Cannon
Team Members: Andrew Coleman, Zach Freeland, Victoria Hall, Faith Harris, Kelly Leffler, Alex Murchison
Design services were requested of the Mobility Engineering Consultants to assess ADA compliance and provide updated design solutions to non-compliant aspects of Carter Park, Halls Community Park, and Powell-Levi Park. An assessment was performed on each park’s sidewalk accessibility, parking lot accessibility, transportation aspects, and stormwater management. Based on the assessments, designs of sidewalks, parking lots, and stormwater management were then processed. All costs of construction and materials were estimated, and a schedule of activities was generated along with required permits and an erosion control plan for all parks.

Pictured left to right: Zach Freeland, Kelly Leffler, Andrew Coleman, Victoria Hall, Faith Harris, and Alex Murchison.
Project Partners: University of Tennessee Facility Services, Haines Structural Group, City of Loudon, Jones Bros. Contractors, Cannon & Cannon
Team Members: Alex Shafer, Cole Emmett, Russell Edens, Adam Litton, Sammy Son, Hunter Arwine, Tristen Keller
Bridge Solutions has been contracted to propose demolition and redesign solutions for the Min Kao and Boathouse Bridges on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, campus. The team’s responsibility for both bridges included an alternative analysis for which pedestrian needs regarding safety were evaluated and incorporated into the design. For the Min Kao bridge, a flood analysis was performed to determine the current water elevations and confirm compliance of the proposed design in accordance with codes enforced by the City of Knoxville. A soil analysis was conducted to determine soil bearing capacity at the Min Kao bridge. Engineering calculations and modeling were performed to design the structural members of the bridges. Environmental remediation was addressed due to the current pollution level and proper permitting was reviewed for the proposed demolition and construction services. Best Management Practices were incorporated into a demolition schedule and waste management plan. The final package will include a construction-ready set of drawings, a construction schedule and estimate of probable cost for the completion of the projects.

Hunter Arwine, Cole Emmett, Adam Litton, Russell Edens, Sammy Son, Alex Shafer, and Tristen Keller.
Projects to be Completed Spring 2021
These 10 projects are in-process by students who will graduate May 2021.
Project Partners: University of Tennessee, Knoxville Utilities Board, First Utility District
Team Members: Ahmed Elnasri, Antonio Gachupin, Noah Miller
This project requires research regarding pipe networks and their impact on wastewater, with consideration to variables like pipe age, material, and location. The team is tasked with determining the impacts (if any) on diminished accuracy of testing results specifically in virus tracking through wastewater samples. The project team will design an efficient plan to collect, evaluate, and distribute data in accordance with the proper safety protocols and testing procedures, enhanced to deliberately understand the impacts of testing and sampling operations. This plan will effectively improve the current virus tracking strategies implemented at the University of Tennessee; which will aid in the betterment of public health and safety by providing the necessary information to decelerate the spread of the virus.
Project Partners: McGhee Tyson Airport, Center for Transportation Research, LDA Engineering
Team Members: Luke Edwards, Tyler Bomar, Sam Enders, Scott Cole, Matthew Dearborn
A new section in the southwest corner of the McGhee Tyson airport property will be developed to allow for the construction and future expansion of private air-travel operation facilities. The facilities will include a new parking lot, new terminal and office area, and new hangars and taxi-lanes for Federal Aviation Administration designated Group I jets. Development of the space will require grading and a new stormwater management system to reroute the existing drainage infrastructure and consider the additional runoff from the site development. Site plans will include the new design of the stormwater system, estimates of cost and time for the project, and the layout and structural design of new facilities and taxi-ways. Construction plans will be created using existing site plans while incorporating new ideas and necessary codes into the plan design. Completion of this project is done for the purpose of most efficiently and effectively designing additional office and hangar space for small scale aviation and planning site preparation for implementations of those designs.
Project Partners: TDOT
Team Members: Justin Godwin, Benjamin Knickerbocker, Aris Welden, Reese Shoesmith, Nicholas Simmons
Redesign of the lanes, drainage, and traffic devices of the SR-113 and SR-341 intersection are necessary to reduce rear end crashes, side street queuing, and improve pedestrian safety. New design implementations to the intersection included widening lanes and adding a shoulder, and curbs. Crosswalks, sidewalks, and pedestrian signals were designed in order for improved pedestrian access to the intersection. The intersection design proposes a signalized to incorporate all four directions of traffic and integrate pedestrian walkways in accordance with the MUTCD and TDOT standards. The pavement was designed to satisfy the needs of the road considerate of the traffic volumes, percent trucks, roadway functional classification, material costs, climate conditions, foundation status, and safety. Drainage structures and pipes were designed for the improved corridor to satisfy the requirements of the TDOT Drainage Manual and maintain proper drainage.
Project Partners: TDOT
Team Members: Justin Godwin, Benjamin Knickerbocker, Aris Welden, Reese Shoesmith, Nicholas Simmons
In support of continued efforts by TDOT to maintain and improve transportation infrastructure in the state of Tennessee, this team presented designs, construction plans, and cost estimations for the replacement of the bridge crossing over Norfolk Southern Railway and the widening and realignment of adjoining sections of AFG Road in Church Hill, Tennessee.
The new bridge alignment was shifted southwest and is to be constructed adjacent to the existing bridge at a 25-foot offset, maintaining a 60-degree skew and ensuring adequate vertical clearance of 23 feet above the railway. Both the bridge and roadway were designed with 24 feet of roadway width and 8-foot shoulders in compliance with TDOT minimum width standards for county roads. The adjusted roadway alignment requires regrading of the roadway, superelevation for proposed curves, and a taper of the paved shoulders transitioning to the width of the existing roadway. Improved drainage structures, roadside barriers, pavement markings, and signage were designed to meet TDOT standards. Heavy industrial traffic associated with AGC Flat Glass requires two lanes of traffic be maintained on the existing bridge during construction; therefore, a detailed construction schedule is presented. Finally, connecting roads and driveways affected by the project were redesigned to maintain adequate sight distance requirements at a design speed of 35 mph.
Project Partners: First Utility District, Alcalde de Cemaco, Panama-Solea Water
Team Members: Cameron Neary, Ashley Pelham, Yousef Rghebi, Andrew Tsay
Vista Alegre is a site that endures flooding in Panama’s tropical environment throughout the year. As a result, water levels rise extensively, and solid debris enters the current systems, harming pumps and decrease efficiency. Because of this, the client has requested the design of a floating pump intake system that can withstand high sediment loading and flooding periods, automatically shut off during flood periods, and can be operated and maintained by local resources and skills. Optimally, the system will be flexible, durable, cost effective, and sustainable for surrounding communities.
Project Partners: City of Oak Ridge, S&ME
Team Members: Andrew Granger, Ben Coughenour, Jonathan Dean, Ken Kolesar, Nick Coates
This project requires the design team to evaluate and determine a safe and adequate pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure for access to both Jefferson Middle School and the Cedar Barrens Natural Area in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The client requests evaluation of connections between these two destinations, including safe pedestrian crosswalks on Fairbanks Road, seeking to implement the existing abandoned CSX Rail Line into the proposed rails-to-trails greenway design. The client seeks implementation of secure bicycle storage at both locations to encourage the new infrastructure’s intended use.
Project Partners: Maryville City Schools, City of Maryville
Team Members: Ethan Mccutcheon, Peyton Mize, Brandon Parkinson, Alyse Perdue, Jonathon Vance
As the district of Maryville High School expands their campus further into the surrounding community, members of the Innovation Design, LLC aimed to complete the improvements suggested by the members affiliated with the school. The high school requests a revised site plan in order to create a more pedestrian-friendly campus at a reasonable cost. In addition, the expansion was required to aesthetically fit into the surrounding neighborhood. Such technical improvements were categorized under various concentrations of civil engineering; these concentrations included the construction, geotechnical, structures, transportation, and water resources fields.
Using computer programs such as Microsoft Project Manager, the team member assigned to the construction concentration assisted in construction scheduling and cost estimates of the project as a whole. Within the geotechnical field, soil testing and topographic analysis were vital not only to the shell design of the desired 35-classroom building, but to more expansions further in the future. The topographic analysis assisted in the completion of the pedestrian bridge design, which connects the existing science wing to the new 35-classroom building. In addition, soil compaction was required for the reconfiguration of roads within the school campus. Once the proper testing of the soil was conducted, the rerouting of the bus lane, alignment of Highland Avenue, and reconfiguration of interior campus roads were completed with the support of traffic analysis data. The team member who focused on water resources ensured the appropriate locations of city utility connections, delineated the surrounding watershed, and designed an appropriate stormwater retention and runoff reduction system.
Project Partners: City of Oak Ridge, S&ME
Team Members: Jacob Chisholm, Parker Smithson, Caleb Svensson, Jake Ward
The technical scope of work for this stream restoration project involves four distinct engineering disciplines: water quality design, geotechnical design, hydrology design, and habitat and species restoration. The overall goal of this project is to provide remediation to the Pistol Creek intermittent stream. Currently, the stream exhibits signs of overgrown and erosion, hindering habitat and creating an eye-sore for local businesses. In performing this restoration project, the team seeks to improve the health of the stream for both vegetative and animal life-forms, while also enhancing the aesthetics in the high retail reach of the waterway.
Project Partners: City of Knoxville and S&ME
Team Members: Tanner Kesterson, Jordan Woodward, Emane Menad, Dawson Bell
The selected area of Baker Creek has been assessed for remediation efforts to enhance the overall quality of the creek. Currently, high levels of erosion, nutrient levels and stormwater runoff are present in the area. To mitigate these issues, the senior design team initially performed an in-depth analysis of the surrounding area through surveying and identifying natural features of the creek to understand the contributing factors to current stream conditions. Erosion control recommendations were identified through assessing geotechnical aspects as well as the creek’s hydrology. Hydrological assessment of stormwater infiltration and stream characteristics such as channel width, depth and slope were all accounted for to properly recommend design solutions. All work and designs comply with the Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act requirements.
Project Partners: UT Research Park, UT School of Landscape Architecture, UT Department of Anthropology, Gresham Smith
Team Members: Erin Collins, Mason Hill, Megan Pitts, Sara Madgett
This team is responsible for the stabilization of the Tennessee River shoreline at Cherokee Farms and creating opportunities for greenway users to interact with the river. Geotechnical work includes analysis of existing bank conditions through surveying and topographic data, which will be performed to develop options for further shoreline stabilization. The environmental work will include soil sampling and proposal of vegetation planting strategies to ensure the bank is stable and to improve the ecological health. In addition, structural analysis for river access structures will be performed for a facility with restrooms, shade, and kayak storage. Transportation work will focus on creating a network of access points between the greenway and the waterway, considering the waterway traffic at the shoreline. The construction effort will provide cost estimates and will develop a feasible construction schedule and sequence.