Associate Professor
Mark Denavit joined the faculty at the University of Tennessee in the fall 2016. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Georgia and worked previously at Stanley D. Lindsey and Associates, Ltd., in Atlanta. He received his PhD in structural engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2012 and is an active member of AISC and ASCE, working with several committees such as the development of design provisions for steel-concrete composite structures.
Professional Service
Member, AISC Committee on Specifications, Task Committee 5 – Composite Design
Member, ASCE/SEI Structural Members Committee
Member, ASCE/SEI Methods of Design Committee
Awards and Recognitions
Sarada M. and Raju A. Vinnakota Award, Structural Stability Research Council, 2012
Frank H. Gorham – ACEC-Illinois State Scholarship, 2009AISC/Associated Steel Erectors of Chicago Fellowship, 2007
University/Karol Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006
Outstanding Graduating Senior, Civil Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 2006
Denavit, M. D., Hajjar, J. F., Perea, T., and Leon, R. T. (2016). "Seismic Performance Factors for Moment Frames with Steel-Concrete Composite Columns and Steel Beams," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(10), 1685-1703.
Denavit, M. D., Hajjar, J. F., Leon, R. T., and Perea, T. (2015). "Advanced Analysis and Seismic Design of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Structures," Proceedings of the ASCE/SEI Structures Congress 2015, American Society of Civil Engineering, Reston, Virginia, 972-983.
Denavit, M. D., Hajjar, J. F., Perea, T., and Leon, R. T. (2016). "Stability Analysis and Design of Composite Structures," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142(3), 04015157.
Perea, T., Leon, R. T., Hajjar, J. F., and Denavit, M. D. (2013). "Full-Scale Tests of Slender Concrete-Filled Tubes: Axial Behavior," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 139(7), 1249-1262.
Borello, D. J., Denavit, M. D., and Hajjar, J. F. (2010). "Bolted Steel Slip-critical Connections with Fillers: I. Performance," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 67(3), 379-388.