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Christopher Cherry.

Christopher Cherry

Associate Department Head of Undergraduate Studies and Professor


Sustainable Transportation
Non-Motorized Transportation Safety
Travel Behavior and Demand
Transportation Economics
Commercial Vehicle Safety
Transportation and the Environment
Multimodal Transport. Planning & Operations
Transit Security
Shared Vehicles


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, Berkeley, California, PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering-Transportation. Minors in City and Regional Planning and Economics. Awarded May 2007.
Dissertation Topic: Environmental, Safety and Mobility Implications of Electric Two-Wheeler Use In China

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, Tucson, Arizona, Masters of Science in Civil Engineering-Transportation. Awarded December 2003.

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, Tucson, Arizona, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Awarded December 2000.

Awards and Recognitions

  • TCE Ferris Faculty Award, 2015
  • TCE Professional Promise in Research Award, 2014
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2011
  • CEE Research Recognition Award, 2009, 2012
  • Member, Transportation Research Board
  • Member, Women's Transportation Seminar


Ling, Z, C. Cherry, H. Yang (2019), "Emerging mini electric cars in China: User experience and policy implications." Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 69 pg. 293-304.

Hezaveh, A.M., C. Cherry (2018), "Neighborhood-Level Factors Affecting Seat Belt Use." Accident Analysis and Prevention (In Press)

Dhakal, N., C. Cherry, Z Ling, M. Azad (2018), "Using CyclePhilly Data to Assess Wrong-Way Riding of Cyclist." Journal of Safety Research. 67 pg. 145-153.

Sultana, Z., Mishra, S., C. Cherry, M. Gkolias, S. Jeffers. (2018), "Modeling Frequency of Demand Response Transit Trips." Transportation Research Part A. 118 pg. 494-505.

Yoon, T., C. Cherry (2018), "Carsharing Demand Estimation and Fleet Simulation with EV Adoption." Journal of Cleaner Production (In Press).

Hezaveh, A.M., C. Cherry (2018), "Walking while under the influence of alcohol: A case study of pedestrian safety in Tennessee." Accident Analysis and Prevention.

Yang, H., Y. Liu, F. Su, X. Liu, C. Cherry (2018), "Predicting e-bike users’ intention to run the red light: An application and extension of the theory of planned behavior." Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behavior 58 pg. 282-291

Yang, H., C. Cherry, F. Su, Z. Ling, Z. Pannell, Y. Li, Z. Fu (2018), "Underreporting, Crash Severity, and Fault Assignment of Minor Crashes in China—A Study Based on Self-Reported Surveys." International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2018.1476382.

Weber, J. W. Riggs, C. Cherry, M. Azad (2018), "The Convergence of Smartphone Apps, Behavioral Economics, and Competition to Increase Cycling." Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behavior. 56 pg. 333-343.

C. Cherry, W. Riggs, B. Appleyard, N. Dhakal, J. McKinstry, S. Jeffers (2018), "New and Unique Aspects of University Campus Transportation Data to Improve Planning Methods." Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Record.

Yoon, T., C. Cherry (2018), "Migrating towards using electric vehicles on campus-Proposed method forfleet optimization." Sustainability 10(285); DOI: 10.3390/su10020285

Hezaveh, A.M., M.F.  Zavareh, T. Nordfjærn, C. Cherry (2017), "Errors and Violations in Relation to Bicyclists Crash Risks: Development of the Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ)." Journal of Transport & Health.

Lu, X., H. Yang, C. Cherry, X. Liu (2017), "Spatial Variations in Active Mode Volume at Intersections: A Local Analysis Utilizing Geographically Weighted Regression Approach." Journal of Transport Geography. 64 pg. 184-194.

Ling, Z., C. Cherry, J. Macarthur, J. Weinert (2017), "Differences of Cycling Experiences and Perceptions between E-bike and Bicycle Users in the United States." Sustainability 9(9), 1662; DOI: 10.3390/su9091662

Rose, W., C. Autry, J. Bell, C. Cherry (2017), "Urban Logistics: Establishing Key Concepts and Building a Conceptual Framework for Future Research." Transportation Journal 56(4) 357-394.

Langford, B.C., C. Cherry, D. Bassett, E. Fitzhugh, N. Dhakal (2017), "Comparing physical activity of pedal-assist electric bikes with walking and conventional bicycles." Journal of Transport & Health.

Ling, Z., C. Cherry, N. Dhakal (2017), "Factors influencing single-bicycle crashes at skewed rail grade crossings." Journal of Transport & Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2017.01.004.

Yoon, T., C. Cherry (2017), "One-way and round-trip carsharing: A stated preference experiment in Beijing." Transportation Research Part D. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2017.04.009

Gamez-Perez, K., P. Arroyo-Lopez, C. Cherry (2017), "Defining a primary market for bikesharing programs: a study of habits and usage intentions in Leon, Mexico." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2634. DOI: 10.3141/2634-09

Khatri, R., C. Cherry, S. Nambisan, L. Han (2016), "Modeling route choice of bikeshare users with GPS data." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2587. DOI: 10.3141/2587-17.

Campbell, A., C. Cherry, M. Ryerson, L. Jones, X. Yang (2016), "Factors influencing the choice of shared bicycles and shared electric bikes in Beijing." Transportation Research Part C. 64. pg. 399-414. DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2016.03.004

Cherry, C., H. Yang, L. Jones, M. He (2016), "Dynamics of Electric Bike Ownership and Use in Kunming China." Transport Policy. 45, pg. 127-135. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.09.007.

Ji, S., C. Cherry, W. Zhou, R. Sawhney, Y. Wu, S, Cai, S. Wang, J. Marshall (2015), "Environmental Justice Aspects of Exposure to PM2.5Emissions from Electric Vehicle Use in China." Environmental Science and Technology. 49(24) pg. 13912-13920.

Ling, Z., C. Cherry, Y. Ni, K. Li (2015), "Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersections in China." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2519 pg. 75-81. DOI: 10.3141/2519-09

Ling Z. C. Cherry. H. Yang, L. Jones (2015), "From e-bike to car: A study on factors influencing motorization of e-bike users across China." Transportation Research Part D. 41, pg. 50-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2015.09.012

Fishman, E., C. Cherry (2015), "E-bikes in the mainstream: Reviewing a decade of research." Transport Reviews. DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2015.1069907

Langford, B.C., Chen, J. C. Cherry (2015), "Risky riding: naturalistic methods comparing safety behavior from conventional bicycle riders and electric bike riders." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 82, 220-226.

Wolff, D., E. Fitzhugh, D. Bassett, C. Cherry (2014), "Greenway siting and design: relationships with physical activity behaviors and user characteristics." Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 11(6), pg. 1105-1110.

Ji, S., C. Cherry, L. Han, D. Jordan (2014), "Electric Bike Sharing: Simulation of User Demand and System Availability." Journal of Cleaner Production. 85. pg. 250-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.09.024

Jones, L., C. Cherry, T. Vu, N. Quang (2013), "Estimating the Effect of Incentives on the Adoption of Electric Motorcycles: A Stated Choice Experiment in Vietnam." Transportation Research Part A. 57. pg. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2013.09.003

Langford, B.C., C. Cherry, T. Yoon, S. Worley, D. Smith (2013), "North America’s first electric bicycle share: A year of experience." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2387. pg. 120-128. DOI: 10.3141/2387-14.

Yang, H., C. Cherry (2012), "Statewide Rural-Urban Bus Travel Demand and Network Evaluation: An Application in Tennessee." Journal of Public Transportation (in press).

Cherry, C., L. Bordley, D. Stephens, J. Petrolino, J. Kelfer (2012), "Wireless Roadside Inspection for Commercial Motor Vehicles: Pilot Test of Technical System Performance," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (in press).

Ni, M.C., C. Cherry, E. Deakin (2012), "Conducting Transportation Survey Research in China: Review Of Experiences And Best Practices," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (in press).

Cherry, C., T. Hill, X. Jian (2012), Assessing countermeasures designed to reduce hazards between bike lane occupants and right-turning automobiles in China," Journal of Transportation Safety and Security (in press). DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2012.708712.

Cherry, C., B. Donlon, X. Yan, S.E. Moore, J. Xiong (2012), Illegal midblock pedestrian crossings in China: Gap acceptance, conflict, and crossing path analysis," International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (in press). DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2011.628751.

Cherry, C., A. Adelakun (2012), "Truck Driver Perceptions and Preferences: Congestion and Conflict, Managed Lanes, and Tolls," Transport Policy, 24, pg. 1-9.

Ji, S., C. Cherry, M. Bechle, Y. Wu, J. Marshall (2012), "Electric Vehicle Emissions and Public Health Impacts in China," Environmental Science andTechnology. 46(4), pg. 2018-2024.

Langford, B.C., C. Cherry (2012), "Transitioning a Bus Transit Fleet to Hydrogen Fuel: A Case Study of Knoxville Area Transit," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(3), pg. 2635-2643.

Gottesfeld, P., C. Cherry (2011), "Lead Emissions from Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems in China and India," Energy Policy, 39, pg. 4939-4946.

Cherry, C., M. He (2010), "Alternative Methods of Measuring Operating Speed of Electric and Traditional Bikes in China-Implications for Travel Demand Models," Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 8, pg. 1424-1436.

Cherry, C. (2010), "Electric Two-wheelers in China: Promise, Progress and Potential," ACCESS, 37, pg. 17-24.

Cherry, C., P. Gottesfeld (2009), "Plans to distribute the next billion computers by 2015 creates lead pollution risk," Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(18), pg. 1620-1628.

Cherry, C., J. Weinert, X.M. Yang (2009), "Comparative Environmental Impacts of Electric Bikes in China," Transportation Research Part D, 14(5), pg. 281-290.

Cherry, C., M. Wachs, A. Loukatou-Sideris (2008), "Subway station design and management: Lessons from case studies of contemporary terrorist incidents," Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 25(1), pg. 76-90.

Weinert, J.X., C.T. Ma, X.M. Yang, C. Cherry (2007), "The Transition to Electric Bikes in China: Effect on Travel Behavior, Mode Shift, and User Safety Perceptions in a Medium-Sized City," Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2038, pg. 62-68.

Cherry, C., R. Cervero (2007), "Use Characteristics and Mode Choice Behavior of Electric Bike Users in China," Transport Policy, 14(3), pg. 247-257.

Weinert, J., C.T. Ma, C. Cherry (2007), "The Transition to Electric Bikes in China: History And Key Reasons For Rapid Growth," Transportation, 34(3).

Christopher Cherry.

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