Emeritus Professor
As a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Chatterjee's areas of specialization include travel demand modeling, transit and freight planning and air quality analysis. During his previous employment with North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the consulting firm Wilbur Smith Associates, Chatterjee developed travel forecasting models for several urban areas. During his academic career he participated in several research projects involving these subject areas as a researcher and also as a consultant. During the last several years, Chatterjee has participated in several air quality studies. The emissions inventories and SIP’s for the nonattainment areas in Tennessee were first prepared by the staff of the University of Tennessee. Chatterjee was in charge of the transportation modeling side of these projects.
Chatterjee was the Principal Investigator of a recently completed NCHRP study titled Improving Transportation Data for Mobile Source Emission Estimates. This NCHRP Report 394 has a wealth of information on travel demand estimation for air quality analysis. Chatterjee directed another study for the California Department of Transportation that used an analytical procedure for developing operating mode fractions for the Sacramento urban area. One of Chatterjee’s papers (jointly with Dr. Venigalla and Dr. Miller) involving operating modes received the best paper award in systems planning from TRB at the 1996 annual meeting.
He was the Co-PI of a project completed for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that developed detailed methodologies for air quality analysis for transit related projects, which include HOV lanes, park-n-ride lots, and transit malls. The FTA project involved case studies.
Chatterjee has been very active at the national level in efforts to improve the reliability of travel related inputs for air quality analysis. He played the leadership role in organizing the national conference on Transportation Planning and Air Quality held in Santa Barbara, CA in July 1991, under the sponsorship of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He helped Tom Wholley of VHB Inc. organize another similar conference in Boston, MA, held in May 1993. He chaired the third conference of this series held in August, 1997 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
Travel Demand Modeling
Transit and Freight Planning
Air Quality Analysis
North Carolina State University, Ph.D. in Civil Enigneering, 1970
North Carolina State Univerisity, M.S. in Civil Engineering, 1967
University of Calcutta, India, B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1962
Professional Service
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Fellow
Committee on Energy & Envir. Aspects of Transportation, Member, 1990-present; Member of Control Gorup
Reviewer of papers for Transportation Engineering Journal of ASCE
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) - Fellow and Life Member
Goods Movement Council Executive Committee, Member & Secretary, 1999-continuing
Transportation Research Board (TRB)- National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Urban Freight Transportation, Member. Received Emeritus Member status beginning in 2002.
Committee on Transportation Planning Needs and Requirements of Small and Medium-Sized Communities, Member, 1993-2002; Currently a friend of the committee
Chatterjee, A., Wegmann, F.J., Fortey, N.J., and Everett, J.D., “Incorporating Safety and Security Issues in Urban transportation Planning”, Transportation Research Record 1777, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, 2001, p. 75 – 83.
Chatterjee, A., Wegmann, F.J., Jackson, M.N., Everett, J.D., and Bray, L.G., “Impact of Increased Truck Traffic Due to Chicamauga Lock Closure”, Transportation Research Record No.1763, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, 2001, p. 80 – 84.
Hahn, E., Chatterjee, A., and Younger, M. S., “A Macro Level Analysis of Factors Related to Areawide Highway Traffic Congestion”, Transportation Research Record 1817, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, 2002, pp. 11-17.
Chatterjee, Arun, “An Overview of Security Issues Involving Marine Containers and Ports”, Presented at the Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 2003.
Chatterjee, A., Wegmann, F.J., Evertt, J.D., and Protopapas, A., “Tools for Assessing Safety Impact of Long-Range Transportation Plans”, Proceedings of “Tools of the Trade” 8th National Conference on Transportation Planning for Small and Medium Sized Communities, Transportation Research Board, 2003.
Chatterjee, A., and Venigalla, M. M., “Travel Demand Forecasting for Urban Transportation Planning”, Chapter 7 of Handbook of Transportation Engineering, Myer Kutz (Editor), McGraw-Hill, 2004, pp. 7.1-7.34. (Book Chapter)
Schwetz, T. B., Reiff, Bud, and Chatterjee, A., “Assessing Safety Impacts of Long Range Plans in Small and Medium-Sized Communities”, Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record and Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, 2004
Chatterjee, A., “Freight Transportation Planning for Urban Areas”, ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, December 2004, pp. 20 – 24.
Protopapas, A., Chatterjee, A., Miller, T., and Everett, J., “Travel Characteristics of Urban Freight Vehicles and Their Effects on Emission Factors”, Transportation Research Record No. 1941, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, 2005, pp. 89-98
Kiattikomol, V., Chatterjee, A., Hummer, J.E., and Younger, M.S., “Planning Level Regression Models for Prediction of Crashes on Interchange and Non-Interchange Segments of Urban Freeways”, to be published in ASCE ‘s Journal of Transportation Engineering.