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Lee Han.

Lee D. Han



Han is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and an Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) Collaborating Scientist at the University of Tennessee (UT).

His fields of expertise and research interests include traffic engineering, application of advanced technologies to transportation, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), system modeling and simulations, traffic flow theory, traffic operations, transportation data and information systems, emergency evacuation and management, crash records and analysis, transportation logistics, operations research, and 3D visualizations.


Since 1985, Han has been actively involved in research activities in the area of transportation and traffic engineering. In terms of externally sponsored projects, he was instrumental towards securing, managing, and conducting research studies. The total expenditure of all the projects he is involved in tops $10 million during the past decade. He has greatly reduced the fiscal burden of State support by recovering a large portion of his salary. Lists of his on-going projects and completed projects are provided at this site. In addition, other research oriented activities are also highlighted.

During his tenure at UT, Han also established a Transportation Systems Laboratory (TSL), which is a physical room (69 Perkins Hall) for faculty, visiting scholars, and students to use the latest computer hardware and software for transportation research as well as instruction/learning purposes. On the other hand, TSL is also a concept, which embodies Han's vision of a premiere program of research and education excellence in Transportation Systems Modeling.

In addition, for the convenience of the large amount of data traffic in and out of TSL, an eFacility for file transferring was established since 1996. Sponsors, research associates, and students can freely transfer data at this site once an access privilege is approved and established.


Han earned his PhD degree from the University of California, Berkeley, his MS degree from Virginia Tech, and his BS degree from National Taiwan University. All three degrees were in Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Awards and Recognitions

  • TCE Teaching Fellow, 2019
  • LR. Hesler Award for Excellence, 2017
  • Chancellor's Citation for Research, 2014
  • TCE Research Achievement Award, 2014
  • TCE Teaching Fellow, 2013
  • Leon & Nancy Cole Superior Teaching Award, 2012
  • Chair of Faculty Senate Research Council, 2011-13
  • TRB University Representative, 2007-
  • Charles E. Ferris Faculty Award, 2007


Long, K., L.D. Han, and Q. Yang, “Effects of Countdown Timers on Driver Behavior After the Yellow Onset at Chinese Intersections,” Traffic Injury Prevention, 2011, (Accepted) [SCIE/SSCI/TRIS]

Han, L.D., S.S. Ko, Z. Gu, and M.K. Jeong, “Adaptive Weigh-in-Motion Algorithms for Truck Weight Enforcement,” Transportation Research Part A – Policy and Practice, 2011, (Accepted) [SCI/SCIE/SSCI]

Fang, Z., Q. Li, Q. Li, L.D. Han, and D. Wang, “A Proposed Pedestrian Waiting-Time Model for Improving Space-Time Use Efficiency in Stadium Evacuation Scenarios,” Building and Environment, September 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.02.005. [SCIE]

Sun, X., L.D. Han, and T. Urbanik “Secondary Coordination at Closely-Spaced Actuated Traffic Signals,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2011. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943.5436.0000267. [SCIE]

Jeong, Y.S., M.M. Castro-Neto, M.K. Jeong, and L.D. Han, “A Wavelet-Based Freeway Incident Detection Algorithm with Adapting Threshold Parameters,” Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technologies, Vol.19C, Issue 1, pp. 1-19, February 2011. [SCIE]

Yan, X., L.D. Han, S.H. Richards, and H. Millegan, “Train-Vehicle Crash Risk Comparison between Before and After Stop Signs Installed at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings,” Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol.11, Issue 5, pp. 535-542, October 2010. [SCIE/SSCI/TRIS]

Yuan, F. and L.D. Han, “A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Evacuation Planning,” Procedia Engineering, Vol.3, pp. 217-227, August 2010.

Millegan, H., X. Yan, S.H. Richards, and L.D. Han, “Do Stop Signs Improve Safety at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings?” ITE Journal, pp. 18-23, February 2010. [SCIE/EI/TRIS]

Chin, S.M., H.L. Hwang, B.E. Peterson, L.D. Han, and C. Chin, “Routing Hazardous Materials around the District of Columbia Area,” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol.1, Issue 4, pp. 296-313, 2009. [TRIS]

Williamson, J.M., L.D. Han, and M. Colon-Aguirre, “Determining the Scope of Collection Development and Research Assistance for Cross-Disciplinary Areas: A Case Study of Two Contrasting Areas, Nanotechnology and Transportation Engineering,” Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, No.59, Fall 2009. [LISA/INSPEC]

Oliveira-Neto, F.M., C.F.G. Loureiro, and L.D. Han, “Active and Passive Bus Priority Strategies in Mixed Traffic Arterials Controlled by SCOOT adaptive Signal System in Brazil,” Transportation Research Record, Vol.2128, pp. 58-65, December 2009. [SCI/SCIE]

Yuan, F. and L.D. Han, “Improving Evacuation Planning with Sensible Measure of Effectiveness Choices – a Case Study,” Transportation Research Record, Vol.2137, pp. 54-62, December 2009. [SCI/SCIE]

Oliveira-Neto, F.M. and L.D. Han, “Tracking Large Trucks in Real-Time with License Plate Recognition and Text-Mining Techniques,” Transportation Research Record, Vol.2121, pp. 121-127, Dec. 2009. [SCI/SCIE]

Millegan, H., X. Yan, S. Richards, and L.D. Han, “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Stop-Sign Treatment at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings,” Transportation Research Record, Vol.2122, pp. 78-85, December 2009. [SCI/SCIE]

Han, L.D., J. Li, and T. Urbanik II, “Impacts of Intercycle Demand Fluctuations on Delay,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol.135, No.5, pp. 288-296, 2009. [SCIE]

Castro-Neto, M., Y. Jeong, M. Jeong, and L.D. Han, “Online-SVR for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction under Typical and Atypical Traffic Conditions,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, Issue 3, Part 2, pp. 6164-6173, April 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.07.069. [SCI]

Millegan, H., X. Yan, S. Richards, and L.D. Han, “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Stop-Sign Treatment at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings,” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 46-60, April 2009. [TRIS]

Castro-Neto, M., Y. Jeong, M. Jeong, and L.D. Han, “AADT Prediction Using Support Vector Regression with Data-Dependent Parameters,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, Issue 2, Part 2, pp. 2979-2986, March 2009. [SCI]

Han, L.D., J. Li, and T. Urbanik II, “Control-Type Selection at Isolated Intersections Based on Control Delay under Various Demand Levels,” Transportation Research Record, No. 2071, pp. 109-116, December 2008. [SCI/SCIE]

Si, J., T. Urbanik, and L.D. Han, “Effectiveness of Alternative Detector Configurations for Option Zone Protection on High-Speed Approaches to Traffic Signals,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 2035, pp. 107-113, December 2007. [SCI/SCIE]

Han, L.D. and J. Li, “Short or Long … Which is Better? Probabilistic Approach towards Cycle Length Optimization,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 2035, pp. 150-157, December 2007.[SCI/SCIE]

Han, L.D., F. Yuan, and T. Urbanik, “What is an Efficient Evacuation Operation?” ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol.133, No. 1, pp. 3-8, 2007. [SCIE/SSCI]

Anderson, B.O, T.A. Kress, J.C. Hungerford, S.H. Richards, L.D. Han, and K. Kirby, “Bumper Paint Damage in Low Speed Impacts,” Accident Reconstruction, No.2063, Society of Automotive Engineers, pp. 119-136, April 2007.

Han, L.D., F. Yuan, S. Chin, and H. Hwang, “Global Optimization of Emergency Evacuation Assignments,” Interfaces, Vol. 36, Issue 6, pp. 502-513, December 2006.[SCIE/SSCI]

Hwang, H., S. Chin, L.D. Han, and F. Yuan, “Synthesizing Truck Origin-Destination Table for Local Transportation Analysis Zones: A Nashville Metropolitan Area Case Study,” Transportation Research Circular, Issue E-C088, pp. 145-148, January 2006. [TRIS]

Castro-Neto, M., T. Urbanik, and L.D. Han, “Evaluation of Alternative Permissive Periods on the Performance of Non-coordinated Phases in Coordinated Traffic Signal Systems,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 1978, pp. 8-15, 2006.[SCI/SCIE]

Han, L.D., H. Wang, and W. Mackey, “Finding Shortest Paths under Time-Bandwidth Constraints by Using Elliptical Minimal Search Area,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 1977, pp. 225-233, 2006. [SCI/SCIE]

Yuan, F., L.D. Han, S. Chin, and H. Hwang, “Proposed Framework for Simultaneous Optimization of Evacuation Traffic Destination and Route Assignment,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 1964, pp. 50-58, December 2006. [SCI/SCIE]

Chin, S., H. Hwang, L.D. Han, and F. Yuan, “Using National Freight Information to Study the Interactions between Heavy Trucks and Passenger Cars under Traffic Incident or Emergencies,” Transportation Research Circular, Issue E-C088, pp. 149-152, January 2006. [TRIS]

Han, L.D., S. Chin, O. Franzese, and H. Hwang, “Estimating the Impact of Pickup- and Delivery-Related Illegal Parking Activities on Traffic,” Transportation Research Record, Issue 1906, pp. 49-55, 2005. [SCI/SCIE/EI]

Wang, Z. and L.D. Han, “Pavement Distress Deduct-Value Determination: a New Approach,” Road and Transport Research Journal, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 22-33, 2002. [SSCI]

Qureshi, M.A. and L.D. Han, “Delay Model for Right-Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections with Uniform Arrivals and Right-Turn-on-Red,” Transportation Research Record, Vol.1776, pp. 143-150, Washington, DC, December 2001. [SCI/SCIE]

Wang, Z. and L.D. Han, “Formulation of a Composite Distress Index for Flexible Pavements using Genetic Algorithms,” Computational Intelligence Applications in Pavement and Geomechanical Systems, Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90-5809-156-2, 2000.

Han, L.D., “Simulating ITS Operations Safety with Virtual Reality,” Transportation Congress: Civil Engineers – Key to the World Infrastructure, Vol.1, pp. 215-226, ASCE, 1995.

Cassidy, M.J. and L.D. Han, “Proposed Model for Predicting Motorist Delays at Two-Lane Highway Work Zone,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol.119, No.1, pp. 27-42, 1993. [SCIE]

Hobeika, A.G., S.A. Ardekani, and L.D. Han, “Logistics Decisions Following Urban Disasters,” Microcomputers in Civil Engineering (Now: Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering), Vol.3, No.1, pp. 13-27, March 1988. [SCIE]

Lee Han.

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