Joint Faculty/ORNL
Computational fracture mechanics
Multiscale computational mechanics
PhD, Carnegie Mellon University in Civil Engineering, Computational Mechanics, 1993
MS, Carnegie Mellon University in Civil Engineering, Computational Mechanics, 1991
BS, University of Split, Croatia in Civil Engineering, 1988
G. Frantziskonis, K. Muralidharan, P. Deymier, S. Simunovic, P. Nukala, S. Pannala, "Time-parallel multiscale/multiphysics framework", Journal of Computational Physics, 228 (21): 8025-8092, 2009.
S.K. Mishra, K. Muralidharan, P.A. Deymier, G. Frantziskonis, S. Pannala, and S. Simunovic, "Wavelet-Based Spatial Scaling of Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Fields", International journal for multiscale computational engineering, 6 (4): 281-297, 2008.
S.K. Mishra, K. Muralidharan, S. Pannala, S. Simunovic, C.S. Daw, P. Nukala, R.O. Fox, P.A. Deymier, and G. Frantziskonis, "Spatiotemporal Compound Wavelet Matrix Framework for Multiscale/Multiphysics Reactor Simulation: Case Study of a Heterogeneous Reaction/Diffusion System", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol. 6: A28, 2008.
K. Muralidharan, S.K. Mishra, G. Frantziskonis, P.A. Deymier, P. Nukala, S. Simunovic, and S. Pannala, Dynamic Compound Wavelet Matrix Method for Multiphysics and Multiscale Problems", Phy. Rev. E, E 77, p. 026714, 2008.
P.K.V.V. Nukala, S. Zapperi, M.J. Alava, S. Simunovic, effect of disorder and notches on crack roughness, Phy. Rev. E., v 77, n 5, p 056111, 2007
G. Frantziskonis, S.K. Mishra, S. Pannala, S. Simunovic, C.S. Daw, P. Nukala, R.O. Fox, and P.A. Deymier, "Wavelet-based Spatiotemporal Multi-scaling in Diffusion Problems with Chemically Reactive Boundary," Int. J. Multiscale Comp. Eng., 5-6, p. 755, 2006.
H.K. Lee, S. Simunovic, Prediction of crack evolution and effective elastic behavior of damage-tolerant brittle composites, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, v 196, b 1-3, p 118, 2006.
P.K.V.V. Nukala, S. Simunovic, and F. Guess, Crack-cluster distributions in the random fuse model, Phys. Rev. E 73, 036109, 2006.
P.K.V.V. Nukala, S. Zapperi and S. simunovic, Crack Surface Roughness in Three-Dimensional Random Fuse Networks, Phys. Rev. E 74, 026105, 2006.